Ready to give it a try? Download Grammarly for Microsoft Word on your Mac or your PC today. You’ll see suggestions for making your writing clearer, improving your word choice, and polishing your writing in all kinds of exciting ways-absolutely no copying and pasting required. As you write your document, Grammarly’s comprehensive writing feedback will appear on the right side of the page. Whether you’re a student, journalist, blogger, columnist, writer, or. With a simple and clean interface, the program lets you manage everything easily and quickly. And the way to do that is creating a Microsoft account, going to and starting the word online application. Microsoft Word, one of the most popular programs to create, view, edit, share, and manage Word documents, is available for your Mac device.
Grammarly for Microsoft Word is designed to fit into your writing process. Well the only free and legit way is to use the in-browser version of Word for O365. And if you’re a fan of Word Online, we’re happy to tell you that Grammarly now works there, too! Making a resume like this while youre online is quick and easy. Create and use your own template in Office for Mac. Replace the placeholder text with your own information. Double-click the template you want to use.

In the View Options dialog box, select Show Library Folder and save. Take it for a spin, and don’t forget to let us know what you think Try out Grammarly for Microsoft Word Now available for Mac. On the Finder menu at the top, click View as List, and then click View Show View Options. Download Grammarly for Microsoft Word on your Mac or your PC today.

In the search box, type Resume or Cover Letter. Open Finder and press the Command key + Shift + H. We heard loud and clear that you needed a Mac version, so we’ve been hard at work to make that happen. On the File menu, select New from Template. Grammarly for Microsoft Word has been available for some time, but until now, it was only compatible with the Windows version of Word. On the first installation screen, select Continue.

Great news, Mac users! You can now add Grammarly to Microsoft Word! That means you can see and apply Grammarly’s suggestions for making your writing stronger and clearer without leaving the document you’re working on. Once the download has completed, open Finder, go to Downloads, and double-click Microsoft Office installer. This article was originally published on March 31, 2020.